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From forensic investigations to corporate issues, we have an impressive collection of specialist investigation services  designed to help solve all cases. Years of experience have taught us to tackle each investigation within a professional manner, and we’re committed to protecting the privacy of each client while doing all we can in order to provide them with timely and accurate results.

Undercover Investigation


The world seems to be turning into a more dangerous place, and this means trusting people blindly is getting harder to do. With this service, you can stay calm knowing that our skilled team will use all available resources to find the information you seek. When you decide to work with Keo Consulting, you’re guaranteed accurate, honest and timely results.

Background investigation


This is one of our most popular services, and we’re happy to provide it for anyone who needs it. Although many cases are often time-sensitive and always unpredictable, our amazing team of seasoned investigators are well equipped to handle this kind of task responsibly and carefully in order to avoid information leaks and legal missteps.

TV Screens


We’re working hard day and night and using all our resources in order to find the information our clients need. We use the latest technology in order to provide this service for all our clients. Whether you’re an individual or an organization, give us a call to schedule a consultation and start taking advantage of our latest technology and responsible investigative tactics right away.

Investigative Services: Service

Penetration Testing

Understand the true strength and effectiveness of physical security controls in data centers, offices, substations, critical infrastructure and more.

The primary objective for a physical penetration test is to measure the strength of existing physical security controls and uncover their weaknesses before bad actors are able to discover and exploit them.


Physical penetration testing, or physical intrusion testing, will reveal real-world opportunities for malicious insiders or bad actors to be able to compromise physical barriers (ie: locks, sensors, cameras, mantraps)  in such a way that allows for unauthorized physical access to sensitive areas leading up to data breaches and system/network compromise.

Penetration Testing

Tower One, International Tower, 100 Barangaroo Avenue, Barangaroo, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

©2023 by Keo Consulting Pty Ltd - NSW CAPI Master License 411847935

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